Understanding VPN Access
VPN, or Virtual Private Network, serves as a secure bridge that extends the district's network over a public network, such as the Internet. This technology enables users to transmit and receive data as if their device were directly connected to the district's network. This means you can access specific applications from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Who Is Eligible for VPN Access?
Use of the VPN is strickly regulated to distinct individuals in higher administrative roles upon request. However, all other staff members must formally request VPN Access and secure approval from their supervisors, regardless of their eligibility status.
VPN Access Renewal
Each year, VPN access privileges are set to expire on July 31st. To continue enjoying VPN access beyond this date, a new VPN Remote Access Request must be submitted. This routine renewal process adheres to industry best practices in network security.
By following these guidelines, we ensure a secure and efficient VPN network that supports the needs of our educational community.