As DeSoto ISD Trustees and Administration continue the collaborative work to improve student outcomes, these two governing bodies have implemented several measurements to monitor district progress.
In the 20-21 school year, the Board adopted a five-year goal plan that is tightly aligned to student achievement and the Administration has created progress measures to show how the district is working to achieve these goals. Each month, the Board and Administration will share updates on specific goals in accordance with the approved Board Monitoring calendar.
Additionally, as mandated by the Texas Education Agency in the fall of 2020, the DeSoto ISD School Board and District Administration developed Corrective Action Plans (CAP) to outline the actions, constraints, improvements, and future actions in relation to the work of the district as governing bodies. Each month, the Board and Administration present a progress report to the community to share updates on each area of the plans during the monthly school board meeting.
During the January 2022 school board meeting, the annual Accountability and the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) was also presented by the Administration as a public hearing.
Below is a summary of the following updates provided to the school community.
Board Goals Update:
This monitoring session centered on Board Goal 1:CCMR- College, Career & Military Readiness (GPMs 1.2 & 1.3) as it related to the students obtaining college credit through the dual credit or AP courses and students completion of an industry-based certification, respectively.
Interim Superintendent Dr. Larry Lewis presented the district data along with potential solutions to meet the progress measures.
In summary, Goal 1, GPM 1.2 is slightly off track from its target by about 7 percentage points while Goal 1, GPM 1.3 is on target to meet its end-of-year projection.
Constraints Update:
Superintendent Constraints
In addition, this discussion centered on Constraint 5 (5.1, 5.2, 5.3): Culture – Middle of the Year which measures district culture & climate in comparison to the nationally normed percents based on survey data from students and staff.
In summary, this progress measure for students is slightly off track while the staff progress measure was met.
Board Constraint Monitoring
These constraints govern how the superintendent and board will interact regarding the school district. Constraint 1 was the focus of this discussion and all trustees consented that this constraint has been upheld by the board.
20-21 Texas Academic Performance Report
This annual report provides insight on the district’s student assessment data providing a breakdown of each campus’ performance in the following areas: PEIMS, the district accreditation status (20-21), campus performance objectives, reports on specific campus incidents, and student performance in postsecondary institutions.
Notable Progress Updates:
Due to the pandemic, there were no designations or distinctions provided for the campuses this year by the Texas Education Agency. All Texas public schools are noted as Not Rated: Declared a Disaster for the 2021 school year.
The District’s 2020-21 Accreditation Status is: Accredited
Click to view the TAPR and other Accountability Reports
Board and Administration Corrective Action Plans
The DeSoto ISD School Board and District Administration developed Corrective Action Plans (CAP) to outline the actions, constraints, improvements, and future actions in relation to the work of the district as governing bodies.
This month, the board shared that’s plan objectives center around the setting, focusing on and communicating, and implementing the vision of the district. The District Administration’s plan centers around four main areas, academics, finance, and talent management.
For the month of January 2021, the Board reported three progress measures off track, two in focusing on the vision objective, one in communicating the vision, and one in implementing the vision, and all other measures are on track or completed.
The Administration reported the update of three progress measures in the areas of finance and talent management. The CAP plan shows there are a few GPMs that are slightly off track in all three objective areas, academics, finance, and talent management.