Programs and Services

Per federal regulations, each district must ensure that a continuum of alternative placements is available to meet the needs of students with disabilities for special education and related services (34 CFR §300.115 (a)). DeSoto ISD offers the following programs/placements. Please note:

Placement of Special Education students in a centralized program must be determined by each student’s ARD Committee. However, campus location of each program and location of each student’s placement at each campus will be determined administratively. Students will be assigned to campus locations with consideration of the student home residence.

Frequency and duration of placement into a Special Education Centralized Program is determined by an ARD committee with consideration of the eligible student’s Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance, goals and appropriateness of Least Restrictive Environment.

The following services are currently established at the Elementary, Middle and High SchoolLevel:

Mainstream Instructional Setting:

Special Education Settings:

Centralized Programs: