Back-to-School Public Safety Reminders

Back-to-School Public Safety Reminders
Posted on 08/10/2023
Back-to-School Public Safety Reminders

DeSoto ISD Back-to-School Public Safety Reminders

As the DeSoto and Glenn Heights communities prepare to send scholars back to school in DeSoto ISD, it is important for parents and citizens to be reminded that the traffic school zones will be reactivated as the district reopens schools on Aug 14, 2023.

Below, are a few reminders related to traffic and general safety in the DeSoto ISD school community:

  • Obey school zones and changing speed limits in school zones

  • Yield to pedestrians and cyclists at or near crosswalks

  • Be mindful of the direction of crossing guards at intersections and crosswalks

  • Follow the direction of crossing and security guards when in student drop off and pick up zones

  • When buses stop at railroad crossings or are loading or unloading students, drivers are required to stop until the bus retracts its stop sign and the driver resumes driving.


Regarding in-school safety updates in DeSoto ISD:

  • Backpacks:

    • DeSoto ISD will allow students to wear backpacks during the 2023-2024 academic year; however, before major breaks and holidays, the district will ask students to refrain from utilizing backpacks as an enhanced safety measure.

    • Please note clear or mesh backpacks are NOT REQUIRED in DeSoto ISD for the upcoming school year.

  • Body Cameras:

    • DeSoto ISD security guards and School Resource Officers will be required to wear body cameras anytime they are engaging with or interacting with district stakeholders including students and staff members. The devices can be remotely activated for supervisory monitoring and training purposes.

  • Panic Alert Button:

    • The 2023 legislative session requires schools to have a panic button in every classroom as an emergency notification tool. The district is reviewing a number of options to address this requirement including the provision of ID badges that feature a panic button and which will be worn as a lanyard.

  • Uniform-Based Dress Code:

    • DeSoto ISD will enact a uniform-based dress code for the 2023-2024 academic year inclusive of a solid color polo-style shirt or button-down shirts and solid color uniform bottoms. The use of uniforms will support the quick and easy identification of intruders and support the district’s overall safety and security efforts.

    • For families needing uniform assistance, contact DeSoto ISD Student Support Services at 972.223.6666 ext 8214.