To separate from DeSoto ISD, please complete the following steps:

Submit a letter of resignation/retirement in the Employee Service Center Portal through

Provide a copy of your letter of resignation to your principal or supervisor.
The letter must be dated and include the effective date of your resignation/retirement, reason for separation, along with your signature.

Complete a Notice of Separation from Employment Form.
Please submit this form to your principal/supervisor and to the Human Resources Department at [email protected].

Complete the following Exit Interview to help us improve our district.

Return district property to your respective campus, turn your
identification badge to the HR Office, and pick up your service record if applicable.
If you are also retiring through the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), please contact them directly.
You may access their website via or call 1-800-223-8778.
Additional Information to Consider:
- You may request a refund of your TRS member contribution by downloading the TRS 6 Form . The form must be notarized and mailed to the TRS address provided on the form.
- If you are retiring through TRS, you will receive a Notice of Final Deposit Before Retirement (TRS 7). It will be sent directly to you from TRS and you must submit to DeSoto ISD payroll for completion. The form will be completed the month you receive your final paycheck.
- If you need to update your name, address, or phone number, complete and submit the Employee Name and Address Change Form and this will be sent to the human resources department.
- If you have any questions regarding insurance coverage (including COBRA) or any other voluntary deductions, contact the DeSoto ISD Benefits Office at (972) 223-6666, extension 208.
- To request your district service records, complete and submit the Service Record Request Form . Service records will be provided 30 days after the date of the request or 30 days from the last day of employment.
While you are still employed with DeSoto ISD, you will have access to:
- Employee Service Center - You may view your personal information, employment records, and payroll information. After your last day of employment with the district, this information is still accessible, by creating a new login. At the bottom of the Employee Service Center login page, please click "Register".
- Eduphoria - Any professional development transcripts or certificates may be printed. This is encouraged as proof of professional development.
Submit any questions regarding separations to [email protected] .
We appreciate your service to the students of DeSoto ISD and wish you the best!